In my experience, I’ve met some exciting guys, and much of the reason I began to date them was that they saw me as more than a vessel to penetrate with their penises. They also intrigued me in a few very intriguing ways. Sure, they were attracted to me physically, but they didn’t make sex a focal point. On the other hand, I’ve met men, and right away, I knew they were looking for some free tight pussy and thought I would just put out. But it’s more complicated than that.
So, for the guys out there reading this (and the ladies too!), I’ve put together some facts about women and what they look for in a man, and potentially, a partnership. Here are four facts about dating women.
1. Women don’t think the way that men do
I know that men are, for the most part, visually oriented. When I am looking to meet someone, I take the time until I feel attractive enough to the roving eye of a man. Men will most often decide to ask a woman on a date based purely on her physical appearance.
For me, a man’s physical attraction is only part of the equation. If a man isn’t a perfect 10, it doesn’t matter if he exudes strength and self-confidence. On the other hand, a man who is comfortable in his skin is a real turn-on.
When I talk to a man, I’m drawn to how he speaks, his words, and not just the quality of his voice. A solid and steady tone of voice makes me more interested in what he’s saying. So I tend to move away from guys who talk faster and faster, their voice rising. I know he’s trying to maintain his confidence, and I hope that one day he does. But he’s not for me.
2. Women observe the way a man presents himself to the world
There are no questions that I’m positively obsessed about my appearance, and I become anxious when my hair doesn’t come out right or there’s a spot on my blouse.
Lots of men are opposite in this regard. They don’t pay attention to their grooming, nor do they seem to care about the clothes they wear. Women pay attention to the little details on a man – nails manicured, shoes, clothes that aren’t wrinkled, and so on. A man doesn’t need to walk around dressed like a model (an overdressed man signals to women that all he wants is you in bed naked, having for your free tight pussy as some reward for his dressing up), but a man who takes care of himself and presents well is more attractive. A well-dressed man for the occasion tells a woman his personal life is in order, and his mind is strong and organized.
A man who dresses appropriately has a better chance of a second and a third date and then into the bedroom. As I do, he’s conscious of himself and how he appears to the world, so we have that in common. I want to know more about him to see what other common interests we share.
3. Women prefer guys with higher values than argumentative and petty men
I’m sure this one is obvious to my female readers, but I’d like to make the point anyway. What I’ve done on dates is test the guy I’m with and see how he responds. I do this because I’m becoming more interested in him. It goes something like this:
- Him: So I prefer cruisers over cabin boats
- Me: You know, I think your interest in boats is lame
Possible responses
- Man 1: (crossing his arms over his chest, looking cross) Well, I like powerboats, and if you’re too dumb or a bitch about it, then forget it.
- Man 2: It doesn’t matter what you believe or not. I was only sharing my interest in powerboats.
If things continue this well throughout the evening, I will drop Man 1 and continue to date Man 2. I’d be more willing to allow a self-possessed man who doesn’t try to impress me to take me to evil and have me however he pleases.
4. Men think about sex as a goal-oriented experience while women think of the process of getting to the climax
Men are, by nature, goal-oriented. Whether they are working on their lover’s satisfaction or their own, they look ahead and toward arriving there instead of the experience getting there.
I love the ride, from the embrace to passionate kissing to touching, stroking each other’s body, the feeling of rolling around on the bed, he tries to open my free tight pussy up until I’m ready, me touching him, sucking his cock, finally the feel of his deep thrusts. Of course, women like myself have smaller orgasms on the way to the final big one at the finish line. And often, it’s the smaller ones I remember later on. But, they take greater importance because of how nice he made me feel.
The mutual attraction between the sexes starts with a non-sexual attraction for a woman and proceeds from there. Through the good times and the bad, I’ve learned to pick up on those guys who only want a free tight pussy, who is on the make and will say whatever it takes to get me in bed. The slicker they try to be, the more pronounced their intent is. No thanks!
My advice to men is that women understand what men want. Women want it too, but we don’t operate like men. Instead, we look for particular qualities like personal grooming standards and are attracted to men who exude a certain kind of strength and self-confidence.
Women, as a rule, are turned off by men who are petty and bicker about unimportant things and become defensive and argumentative. These men are only interested in free tight pussy. On the other hand, a self-possessed man, even men who are willing to end it with me over some principle of his, is far more attractive because he is self-assured.